What is BAD IDEA AI coin?

Bad Idea AI ($BAD) is an experiment that mixes Blockchain, AI, and DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations) in a daring blend. It’s like combining cool ingredients to see what happens.

AI has become a big part of our lives, from smart personal assistants to self-driving cars. It’s amazing, but it also brings a sense of uncertainty. Will AI be our hero or create problems for us? $BAD is an attempt to answer this question by letting AI and people plan things together, hoping for the best results. It’s like a strategic move, a “Hail Mary” pass, to secure our future in a world where AI is becoming increasingly powerful and influential.

AI is sticking around, and they believe using blockchain and DAOs can keep it in check for their benefit. That’s why they started the Consortium of AI for Humanity’s Advancement (CONAIHA). they like to call it the “best-case scenario group.” they have been using AI and working on blockchain for a while, so they want to help make sure CONAIHA works for all of them.


The BAD IDEA project is doing things differently. They’re not following a strict plan. Instead, they’re going on an adventure, exploring and learning as they go. AI, human DAOs, and other things will influence how it grows. They like to be open-minded and curious, and it’s like a fun journey into something new and exciting! 🚀

BAD IDEA AI Smart Contract

The token is available for sale at this moment, meaning you can trade or sell it whenever you want. When you buy or sell the token, there’s no extra fee (0%), The contract source has been checked and verified to ensure its authenticity. Also, the owner who created it has either given up ownership or doesn’t have any special control over it.

But, here’s something to watch out for: one wallet has a lot of tokens. If they decide to sell many of them, it could really change how much the token is worth. Check the wallet from here.

BAD IDEA AI coin Converter

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Sharing is Caring an ordinary person, lost nearly $35,000 investing in poor cryptocurrency projects. Motivated by this loss, he began learning about smart contracts to distinguish between scams and legit crypto projects. His goal is to share insights and help others avoid scam teams and projects.

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