Ledger Nano X Review 2024, is it still worth it?

Keeping your coins safe is super important, especially as the market keeps changing. One way to do that is by using a hardware wallet called the Ledger Nano X. It’s like a special digital wallet for your money! This guide is all about checking out the Ledger Nano X review in 2024. We’ll look at why it’s still a good choice, what makes it special, the good and not-so-good parts, and how it compares to other similar Hardware wallets. Plus, we’ll hear what real people think about using it and share some tips to help you decide if it’s right for you!

What is the Ledger Nano X?

The Ledger Nano X is a hardware wallet designed to provide a secure and efficient solution for storing various cryptocurrencies. It operates on the principle of cold storage, meaning it’s an offline wallet, which significantly enhances security by keeping the private keys offline and away from potential cyber threats.

Key Features of the Ledger Nano X


Security is the most important part of the Ledger Nano X. It’s like the strong foundation of a building. The Ledger Nano X uses really advanced security stuff, like special locks and codes, to keep your coins safe from thieves trying to get in.

User-Friendly Interface

One of the standout features of the Ledger Nano X is its user-friendly interface. The device is designed to be simple and easy to use, even for those new to the world of crypto. The setup and management processes are streamlined, making it accessible to a wide range of users.

Supported Cryptocurrencies

Versatility is a key advantage of the Ledger Nano X, as it supports a wide array of cryptocurrencies. This allows users to store and manage multiple digital assets in a single device, making it a convenient choice for investors with diverse cryptocurrency portfolios.

Bluetooth Connectivity

A cool thing about the Ledger Nano X is that it can connect to your phone using Bluetooth. This means you can easily use it with your mobile wherever you are. You can send and receive crypto and check how much you have in your wallet, all while you’re out and about. It’s super handy!

Is the Ledger Nano X Still Relevant in 2024?

Now, in the year 2024, lots of people still really like and use the Ledger Nano X for their crypto. People are always talking about it and wanting to use it. When we look at how many people want it and what they say about it, it’s clear that this special wallet is still really wanted. The Ledger Nano X keeps getting better with new technology and listening to what people like. That’s why it’s still one of the best choices for keeping your coins safe.

Pros and Cons of the Ledger Nano X


  • Unrivaled Security: The Ledger Nano X implements industry-leading security measures to ensure the safety of your digital assets.
  • Intuitive Interface: The user-friendly design makes it easy for individuals, regardless of their technical expertise, to use the device effectively.
  • Extensive Cryptocurrency Support: With a wide range of supported cryptocurrencies, users can conveniently manage various digital assets in one place.


  • Cost: While the Ledger Nano X offers exceptional features, it comes at a relatively higher cost compared to some alternatives.
  • Physical Dependency: Being a physical device, it is susceptible to loss or damage, necessitating careful handling and safekeeping.

Comparison with Other Hardware Wallets

To understand the true value of the Ledger Nano X, it’s important to compare it with other hardware wallets available in the market. In this comparison, we’ll look at factors such as security features, ease of use, supported cryptocurrencies, and overall user experience.

Hardware WalletSecurity (1-10)Ease of Use (1-10)Supported CryptocurrenciesBluetooth Connectivity
Ledger Nano X9.59.01500+Yes
Trezor Model T9.08.51000+No

Tips for Using the Ledger Nano X Effectively

To get the most out of your Ledger Nano X, you need to do a few things the right way. Here are some important tips:

  1. Regular Firmware Updates: Stay up-to-date with the latest firmware to benefit from improved security features and bug fixes.
  2. Secure Backup: Safeguard your recovery phrase in a secure location. Consider using a backup device or an indestructible backup solution.
  3. Enable Passphrase: Utilize the passphrase feature for an additional layer of security. Ensure it’s something memorable but not easily guessable.

How to Set Up and Use the Ledger Nano X

Setting up the Ledger Nano X is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to get started:

Unboxing and Initialization:

Open the package connect the Ledger Nano X to your computer and Follow the on-screen instructions to initialize the device.

Setting Up a Secure PIN:

Set a PIN code for device access. Ensure it’s strong and memorable.

Recovery Phrase:

Write down the 24-word recovery phrase and store it in a safe place. Do not share this with anyone.

Installing Apps:

Install the Ledger Live app on your computer and add the cryptocurrency apps you want to use. and if you want to transfer your coins from Coinbase into your ledger device check this guide here.

Managing Your Cryptocurrencies:

Open the relevant app on the Ledger Live platform to manage and monitor your cryptocurrencies.

Security Measures for Ledger Nano X Users

Making sure your Ledger Nano X is super secure is incredibly important. Here are some extra things you can do to keep your digital money safe:

Use a Strong PIN:

Set a PIN that is unique and not easily guessable, providing an initial layer of protection.

Enable Passphrase:

Activate the passphrase feature, adding an extra layer of security to your device.

Regularly Check for Updates:

Keep your Ledger Nano X updated with the latest firmware and security patches to stay protected against potential vulnerabilities.

Beware of Phishing Attempts:

Be cautious of phishing attempts and never share your recovery phrase or PIN with anyone, even if they claim to be from Ledger.

Physical Security:

Keep your Ledger Nano X in a secure location, away from potential theft or damage.

Customer Support and Warranty

Ledger provides good customer support to help you if you have any problems or worries. Also, the Ledger Nano X comes with a warranty to make sure you have a smooth and safe time using it.

Real-life Experiences with the Ledger Nano X

User testimonials and real-life experiences can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness and usability of the Ledger Nano X. Here are some notable experiences shared by users:

  • Simo: “I’ve been using the Ledger Nano X for over a year now, and I can confidently say it’s a game-changer. The security features are top-notch, and the Bluetooth connectivity adds a level of convenience I didn’t know I needed. Highly recommended!”
  • Jeff: “The Ledger Nano X was my first hardware wallet, and it has been an excellent choice. The setup was easy, and I appreciate the extensive cryptocurrency support. The peace of mind I get from knowing my assets are safe is priceless.”


After we completed this Ledger Nano X review We can confidently say that the Ledger Nano X remains a top choice as a safe and easy-to-use hardware wallet in 2024. Its security features are the best, and it’s really easy to use. Plus, it works with lots of different cryptocurrencies, making it a great choice to keep your money safe. But remember, before buying, think about what you need, how much it costs, and that you’ll need to take care of the physical device.


Is the Ledger Nano X compatible with all cryptocurrencies?

Yes, the Ledger Nano X supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and many more. The Ledger Live platform continuously adds support for new cryptocurrencies.

Can I use the Ledger Nano X with my mobile device?

Yes, the Ledger Nano X is equipped with Bluetooth connectivity, allowing you to manage your cryptocurrencies through the Ledger Live mobile app on your smartphone.

What security measures should I take when using the Ledger Nano X?

To enhance security, set a strong PIN, enable the passphrase feature, keep your recovery phrase secure, and regularly update the firmware.

Is customer support available in case of issues with my Ledger Nano X?

Yes, Ledger provides reliable customer support through various channels, including email and a knowledge base, to assist with any concerns or issues you may encounter.

How often should I update the firmware of my Ledger Nano X?

It’s advisable to regularly check for firmware updates and install them promptly to ensure your device has the latest security enhancements and features. and if you lost your Ledger Nano X and want to know what you need to do check this guide here!

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Started! In 2020, he got super interested in cryptocurrency and blockchain, Saad especially likes one type Ethereum (ETH). As the crypto world kept getting more awesome, Saad spent lots of time learning about it, checking out new things, and staying on top of what's happening.

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